SCPFD launches Florida Department of Children and Families Overdose Prevention Program

Revive Pharmacy partnership 03-19 007

SCPFD recently partnered with ReVive Pharmacy as we launched the Florida Department of Children and Families Overdose Prevention Program in our area. The program is designed to reduce opioid overdose deaths by providing access to FDA-approved emergency opioid antagonists, to organizations that serve individuals at risk of witnessing or experiencing an opioid overdose. The program has 2 primary goals:

1. Provide overdose recognition and response training to organizations and individuals who may witness or experience an opioid overdose; and
2. Distribute free naloxone kits to individuals at risk of experiencing an opioid overdose, as well as to friends and family members who may witness an opioid overdose.

It is through great community partnerships like ours with the ReVive Pharmacy that we are able to provide exemplary emergency medical service to our residents.